
Call for Proposals and Next Steps



There are four different ways to participate in MAPS:

  • Stream proposals
  • Individual paper submissions to streams
  • Uncharted interventions/performances ("There be monsters")
  • Methods-focused workshop proposals



FIRST … STREAM PROPOSALS. Deadline: March 20, 2020

We encourage direct participation in the creation of our conference’s conversations through the submission of STREAM PROPOSALS.

A stream proposal surfaces a theme within the conference. It identifies and riffs on specific questions raised around our conference theme of methods / affects / practices / sensibilities. Streams can be proposed by individuals or duos. Accepted streams will call for and attract individual paper submissions and thus become two to four conference panels with three to four panelists each.

The issues and engagements that serve as a stream’s central concerns should be clearly framed and conceived in a way that encourages – as much as possible – participation from different disciplines. The stream proposal should include a list of possible topics and sub-topics that would fit within its overall framework.

Successful stream proposers will  take an active role as ‘stream organizers,’ working with the conference committee to promote panel submissions to their stream through their social networks and helping to give shape to the ultimate make-up of their panels.

You can see examples of past stream proposals here.  

Stream proposals should be no more than 500 words in length and must be submitted to no later than SUNDAY, MARCH 1. Acceptance of stream proposals will be communicated within two weeks of the deadline for submissions.



After the acceptance of stream proposals, a CFP for 250-word PAPER ABSTRACTS – oriented to the accepted stream proposals – will be posted on the conference website no later than March 15.

The final deadline for proposed paper abstracts to be submitted to a specific stream will be FRIDAY, MAY 1.



For those who pursue affect in ways that might be extra- or para-academic and more aesthetic/performative/poetic/evocative, etc., we welcome the submission of proposals for performances, art installations, musical pieces, film and video showings, and similarly provocative interventions.

Please submit a detailed description of no more than 500 words regarding any such activity – including special requirements for space and some sense of the time-range – to by no later than FRIDAY, MAY 1.

Initial inquiries about the possible inclusion of such work at this conference would be encouraged well before the May 1 deadline.



So, how exactly does ‘affect theory’ get put into practice? Really, how do you do it? We hope to program a select few three-hour workshop blocks for our conference attendees! Proposals for methods-focused workshops can be submitted by individuals or duos and should be designed to engage up to 20-25 participants in a single session.

Ideally, the affective orientation of workshops will imaginatively bridge methods and practices drawn from various approaches / disciplines / conceptual formations. Please describe the kinds of fundamental questions and problematics that your workshop will address, along with an outline of how the three-hour session will unfold. We value innovative approaches to affect study that do not redraw any tried-and-true theoretical maps. Tell us how the workshop will engage its participants in more than one mode of activation – briefly: what, and how, participants will learn? We will give full consideration to proposals from those individuals (or duos) working outside or tangentially alongside the academy.

Inquiries about workshop formats for this conference would be encouraged well before the May 1 deadline.

Please submit a workshop description of no more than 500 words – including any special requirements for classroom space and/or special instructional materials needed – to by no later than FRIDAY, MAY 1.



The make-up of the stream proposals will be finalized – with all paper proposals accepted/rejected – by May 15. Notifications will follow immediately. The conference’s program, including any ‘uncharted’ works, will be posted by early June.



GRADUATE STUDENT & EARLY CAREER SCHOLAR WORKSHOPS (two or three) are presently in their early planning stages. More information will be available about these workshops soon.



REGISTRATION for the conference will begin May 15th

  •  Graduate Student Rate: $100 received on or before August 1 ($150: after August 1)

  •  Faculty Rate: $150 ($200: after Aug 1).

Registration includes admittance to all conference events, including Wednesday night’s opening reception.